Assalmualikum and welcome to my blog, Pemerhati Dunia. Today I would like to give a talk about Islam Hadhari that 'the jahiliyah huma' always throw a bad things about the clean and good Islamic Ways.
Islam Hadhari teach us about...
For Muslims, the Islam Hadhari approach considers faith in and piety to Allah as its core basis, and the Quran and Sunnah as its source of guidance and reference. The combination of strong aqeedah (creed), shariah (laws), morals and noble values is the basis of planning and implementing human development and system management in order to create an excellent nation and country. This is consistent with what Allah has said in Surah al-A’raf, verse 96:
“And (Allah said further): If the people of that country had believed and had the piety, certainly We should have opened for them blessings from the heavens and earth. But they belied (Our messengers), so We took them with punishment for what they used to earn.”
“There is no compulsion in religion (Islam).”
To be just is to give people their dues. This is consistent with what Allah has said in Surah an-Nahl, verse 90:
“Verily, Allah enjoins justice and good deeds, and giving to kith and kin, and forbids evil deeds, all that is prohibited by Islamic law and oppressions. He admonishes you (with these orders and prohibitions), that you may take heed.”
Justice is blind to race, colour, social status, wealth and religion. This is consistent with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Allah said in the Quran in Surah al-Maa’dah, verse 8:
“And let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just (to everyone) for it is nearer to piety and fear Allah. Verily Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.”
And the prophet said in a hadeeth narrated by Al-Bukhari:
“If (my daughter) Fatimah steals, I will certainly cut off her hand.”
Trustworthiness, as prescribed in the Quran and Sunnah, denotes performing all obligations and responsibilities. Allah said in the Quran in Surah an-Nisa’, verse 58:
“Verily Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those, to whom they are due, and that when you judge between men, you judge with justice. Verily, how excellent is the teaching which Allah gives you. Truly, Allah is Ever All-Hearer, All-Seer.”
And the Prophet, peace be upon him, said in a hadeeth narrated by Ahmad:
“And there is no faith in him who is not trustworthy.”
Islam Hadhari seeks to provide good, just and trustworthy governance at all levels of society. An efficient, just and trustworthy (prudent in spending) management of the country will create a righteous and advanced country blessed by Allah, the Almighty, as stated in the Quran in Surah Saba’, verse 15:
“Indeed there was for Saba’ (Sheba) a sign (of Allah’s generosity) in their dwelling place, that is, two (large and flourishing) gardens on the right hand and on the left (of their village). (And it was said to them) “Eat of the provisions of your Lord and be grateful to him.” (Your land is) a fair (peaceful and prosperous) land, and (your Lord is) an Oft-Forgiving Lord.”
One of the main principles of the Islam Hadhari approach is to create a free and independent people. Among the characteristics of these people is that they are creative and innovative. Independent people are able to produce dynamic and positive new ideas which are beneficial for the promotion of individuals, families, society and country. Allah has said in Surah al-Isra’, verse 70:
“And indeed We have honoured the Children of Adam, and we have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with good things, and have preferred them above many of those whom We have created with a marked preferment.”
Society must free itself from the colonized mindset; embrace development and changes; avoid narrow mindedness in creating viable views; and reject negative actions which confine the soul.
An independent people is not a society which is exempted from the rules of law and ethics. On the contrary, these noble foundations must be used as a base to develop a strong society and country.
The potential of each community member must be capitalised wisely in order to enhance identity, family image, social integrity, national strength based on high patriotism and undivided loyalty.
An independent and free people must be able to select and choose for themselves, besides adopt an open attitude towards external cultures and traditions which do not go against universal values and ethics and that contribute towards the development of civilization according to our own mould.
The concept of independence is not merely slogans and declarations but requires sacrifices and serious efforts which contribute towards the development of the country.
The ability to master knowledge in an integrative manner enables us to enhance our intellectual excellence, demonstrate personal strength, and develop physical agility. This process is crucial in producing balanced and harmonious individuals as stated in our National Education Philosophy. This is consistent with what Allah, the Almighty has said in Surah al-Mujadalah, verse 11:
“Allah will rise up to ranks those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge. And (remember) Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.”
In the history of any advanced and civilized nation, one will find that the nation would not have achieved what it has achieved without the help of knowledge. The civilizations of Baghdad and Andalusia are clear examples of how integrative knowledge has contributed towards the development of the civilizations of the East and West.
In facing the current challenges of globalization, integrative knowledge, science and technology advancement ought to be the focus in order to produce human resources which not only possess knowledge and capacity but also noble values which contribute towards the development of nation, race and the entire humanity.
By strengthening fardhu ain knowledge coupled with the mastery of fardu kifayah knowledge, the door to success and excellence is wide open. With an education system of double majors, we will be able to produce human resources capable of steering the development programmes of the country and ummah.
The pursuit and quest of science and technology knowledge is very much encouraged in Islam. We are aware that the ummah is lagging behind in mastering science and technology today. Thus, conducting studies and researches must be considered an intellectual aim so as to ensure that intellectual, spiritual and physical development will take place in a balanced, comprehensive and systematic manner. This is consistent with what Allah, the Almighty has said in Surah Aali Imran, verse 190:
“Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs (of Allah’s might, wisdom and abundance mercy) for men of understanding.”
Within the framework of developing the country, the economic aspect is also emphasized by Islam. A balanced and comprehensive economic development requires an approach which combines efforts to enhance moral economic practices and the ability to conduct economic activities effectively in tandem with local and international economic developments. This is consistent with Allah, the Almighty’s saying in Surah al-Jumu’ah, verse 10:
Then when the prayer is ended, you may disperse through the land (to attend to your personal affairs), and seek the bounty of Allah, and remember Allah much (under all circumstances); that you may be successful (in the world and the Hereafter).”
In order to implement the said approach successfully, the government and private sectors must jointly play a role. In fact, this is emphasized by the Malaysian concept of partnership. Islam Hadhari enjoins all communities to take the opportunities available to improve their economy.
Efforts to enhance justice and economic stability in the country shall remain a priority. Through the strategies of poverty eradication, full employment, price stability and sustainable economic development, justice and economic stability can be achieved. In fact, these strategies are consistent with the aspirations of Islam Hadhari.
Through these strategies the country will be able to unite the people’s capacity to perform optimally. Within the same framework, the Islam Hadhari approach will continue to improve the efficiency of the public sector’s delivery system and the performance of the private sector. Hence, the quality of the education system and National Training Institutions must be improved continuously so as to fulfil the people’s needs.
Given the great challenges and uncertainties facing the global economy, economic policies formulated must be sensitive to current development. Although the manufacturing and service sectors contribute tremendously to the economic growth of the country, for national security purposes, the agricultural sector will also be given due attention. Securing the basic food of the people is enjoined in Islam. Through biotechnology advancement, the country will continue to improve its agricultural sector.
It is evident that the Islam Hadhari approach is a comprehensive approach with which the economic development of the country will be able to create a civilized and progressive society.
Islam from the very beginning has stressed the importance of a good quality of life. Achieving a good quality of life in all aspects is the main goal of the religion. In fact, Islam enjoins each one of us to strive in order to master knowledge and possess the ability to succeed in this worldly life. Life in the Hereafter depends on the ability of individuals to achieve a good quality of life in all aspects including the spiritual, physical and material. This is consistent with what Allah has said in Surah al-Qasas, verse 77:
“But seek, with that wealth which Allah has bestowed on you, the reward and happiness of the Hereafter and forget not your portion (your necessities and provisions) in this world, and do good (to Allah’s slaves) as Allah has been good to you (by bestowing abundant wealth upon you), and seek not mischief in the land. Verily, Allah likes not mischief-makers.”
A good quality of life can be achieved if the country succeeds in fulfilling the basic needs of life such as preserving the religion, improving the status of education, providing a peaceful life, the right to own property and giving assurance to the generation of the future.
In order to meet the basic needs of a quality life in accordance with Islam, efforts must be made to improve all the said aspects so as to be on a par with the advanced nations of the world.
Apart from that, Islam also stresses the importance of the family institution. A good family will guarantee the creation of a balanced and prestigious generation. In fact, if each and every family institution is able to function effectively, social illnesses can be minimized.
In order to achieve a good quality of life, surrounding facilities must also be given due attention. Recreational and sports facilities are indeed important in building a healthy and vigorous society.
Based on the Islam Hadhari approach, all aspects of the society’s quality of life will be developed in an integrated manner.
The educational approach of Islam Hadhari preserves the dignity of human beings without any discrimination and without differentiating between majority and minority groups. The rights of these are protected by the country’s law. This protection encompasses the protection of life, religion, property, dignity and intellect. These aspects exist in the objective of Islamic law (maqasid ash-shariah). Therefore, these rights cannot be denied with the excuse that it is a minority group or a different gender. Denying them their rights is wrong in the eyes of the law. This is consistent with what Allah, the Almighty, has said in the Quran in Surah al-Hujurat, verse 13:
“O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that who has more piety. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware (of your condition and deeds).”
These rights are protected by the Federal Constitution under Section II, which provides for Fundamental Liberties.
As a result, minority groups and women are able to enjoy whatever is enjoyed by majority groups and men. They have the right to participate in the development of the country and enjoy everything that is enjoyed by other races. They can participate in administering the country, and in economic, social, educational, religious and political activities. Issues pertaining to women have received special attention from the government in formulating national policies such as the National Policy on Women.
The Prophet, peace be upon him, from the beginning of his life until his death explained to us clearly about women particularly during his last sermon of Haj al-Wada’ as narrated by Imam Muslim:
“Fear Allah regarding women. Verily you have married them with the trust of Allah, and Allah has made their bodies lawful to you with a legal ijab and qabul in accordance with the laws of Allah. The rights of husbands over their wives are that they do not allow outsiders not approved by their husbands into their homes. If they do so, then teach them by hitting them but not severely. Whereas, their (women’s) rights over you (men) are to be fed and clothed in kindness. And I leave behind me something which if you follow it, you will never go astray, that is, the Quran.”
Since our country gained its independence until today, no race in the country has been denied its rights. In fact, in certain aspects they are protected by the law of the country.
Like in many other countries, in order to protect the rights of the people, the government has established a Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM). The government has also accepted the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights (UNDHR) and several treaties including those on women. In fact, in several aspects, the status of women in this country is far better than that in some other Islamic countries. In our country there are laws which protect their rights and an institution which manages their affairs. They are allowed to participate in the development of the country and to work in all fields which are not against the laws of the country.
In order to ensure that these rights are respected and not violated, relevant authorities including the courts of justice are given the power and freedom to try cases related to the violation of these rights.
Some western writers have claimed that Islam does not treat non-Muslims and women appropriately. Thus, it must be made clear that basic rights encompass all races and genders including non-Muslims. In the history of the Islamic rule, non-Muslims were also given a place in the government and they were never deprived of their rights. Religious freedom is granted in order to ensure that the development of the country is being internalised. They are granted various rights including the right of holding a minister’s or senior government officer’s post. History has proved that non-Muslims are comfortable under the rule of Muslims owing to the fact that their rights are always protected and that the government treats them fairly. This very situation can be witnessed in Malaysia.
Islam is based on principles which are accurate, just, fair, honest and responsible towards all groups of society regardless of ethnicity, race, origin and religious belief, and does not diminish any group. Their rights are protected by the law and in the event of any dispute arising, it is referred to the courts or similar bodies. This is consistent with what Allah has said in Surah an-Nisa’, verse 58:
“Verily, Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those, to whom they are due, and that when you judge between men, you judge with justice. Verily, how excellent is the teaching which He gives you! Truly, Allah is Ever All-Hearer, All-Seer.”
Among the principles of civilization of a nation and country is the existence of cultural and moral integrity as the identity of the said nation and country. In order to enhance the development of Malaysia, cultural and religious diversity must be protected based on a value and moral system which is strong, noble and honourable. The internalization of high moral values will ensure prosperity, harmony and peace in a multiracial society. It will also make the nation honourable and respected. This is consistent with Allah’s saying in verses 1 – 2 of Surah al-Mu’minun:
“Successful indeed are the believers. Those who offer their prayers with all solemnity and full submissiveness.”
With this, economic and technological development will progress in line with the cultural and moral integrity of the multiracial society. Nevertheless, moral decline and the weakness of the culture of integrity and knowledge within the Malaysian society today is indeed a great challenge in implementing the Islam Hadhari approach.
From the perspective of civilization and Islam, economic and knowledge advancement of a race must be internalized by a noble culture of morals and ethics. This goal can never be achieved so long as material advancement is stripped off of noble morals, ethical and spiritual values. History has shown that the great civilization and empire of Rome collapsed owing to severe moral crisis within its society.
The artistic aspect of cultural integration must also be consistent with noble values based on creativity which contribute towards high culture.
The life of mankind does not only involve inter-human relations, but also relations between human beings and the environment. The prosperity enjoyed by human beings is in fact a result of harmonious relations between mankind and nature. In the process of development, there is a tendency among human beings to dominate and exploit nature excessively by using science and technology, thus resulting in an imbalance of nature. Incidents of landslides, flash floods, global warming, typhoons, acid rain, air, water and land pollution, plant extinction, habitat destruction and other human activities have all contributed to ecosystem instability.
At the international level, several declarations on the environment have been implemented by UNDP in order to ensure an environment-friendly development. The Rio De Janeiro Declaration (1993) and Kyoto Protocol (1997) are among the declarations signed by Malaysia. Malaysia itself came up with its own declaration known as the Langkawi Declaration to ensure that the development of the country is environment-friendly.
In order to overcome these problems, the environment must be managed using a more balanced and comprehensive approach. Human development which is based on noble religious values and is responsible towards the environment, and which develops the environment in a well-planned manner must be stressed. The development of science and technology that is based on the teachings of religion and cultural values must be inculcated at all levels of society. Research on and monitoring of environment must be conducted continuously so that the development undertaken does not pose high risk to our living environment.
The Islam Hadhari approach seeks to harmonise the lives of human beings with the natural environment besides making continuous efforts to progress and develop
Islam Hadhari’s view of defence is not confined to military strength as it encompasses individual physical and spiritual strength. This is consistent with Allah’s saying in the Quran in Surah al-Anfal, verse 60:
“And make ready against them (the invading enemy) all you can of power including steeds of war to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.”
An advanced nation requires an ummah which is capable of defending itself and its country from invasion. Thus, it must possess modern military strength to defend itself and its country and not to attack and control other nations and countries.
Military strength will ensure the stability, peace and security of the country, hence ensuring the continuity of the process of development.
The change in the world political scenario and the pressure and humiliation faced by some people today require us to possess military strength and the ability to defend ourselves. The country must have long-term plans and programmes to instil the sense of responsibility to defend the dignity of individuals, nation and country. The Islam Hadhari approach will work towards empowering the ummah in order to face the current global challenges.
dipetik dari
Pemerhati Dunia: Jadi berdasarkan posting dalam bahasa Inggeris di atas, sudah terbukti bahawa manusia yang mempertikaikan Islam Hadahari adalah manusia yang mempertikaikan ajaran Islam!!!
Penyokong dan kempimpinan UMNO masih lagi merintih dan merayu kepada Yang
Dipertuan Agong ke 17 Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim meminta belas ehsan Tuanku
untuk me...
Setahun yang lalu
3 ulasan:
orang xkate base islam hadari tu salah..perinsipnye langsug xsalah..
tapi pelaksanaannye..pmimpin yg mewar2kan islam hadhari tu sndri x lksanakan islam sepenuhnye dlm pmrintahannye..
ko tgok..kate islam hadhari..tpi majlis2 mmksiat still jalan..rasuah berleluase..sosial trok nk mampos..
cube la paham dlu..
pemerhati ni bukan tak paham.. paham.....tapi buat2 tak paham dan tak nampak...yg dia tau menidakkan yg benar.
Bagus Pemerhati... Kau dh bg tempeleng maut dh kt manusia2 yang dulu dok kutuk Islam Hadhari!
Gua caya lu!!!
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